Most of the websites have form based authentication. You must enter your credentials in a form to see your data. Did a hacker in you ever wished to log in this website through a script, so that you can download all your data or make changes or post some data to your account? Well, here is a simple way to achieve it using python.
I hope it helps and you enjoy accessing your favourite website through your script.
Most of the websites have form based authentication. You must enter your credentials in a form to see your data. Did a hacker in you ever wished to log in this website through a script, so that you can download all your data or make changes or post some data to your account? Well, here is a simple way to achieve it using python.
import urllib, urllib2 # Create a opendirector instance to manage your cookie handlers urlopener=urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor()) # Let us add chrome user agent to header to fool the website. Some website may deny access to non browser user-agent. urlopener.addheaders = [('User-agent','Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.12 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/9.0.576.0 Safari/534.12')] # Let install the instance of opendirector urllib2.install_opener(urlopener) # Let us prepare the credentials. It may be important to find all possible hidden fields and fill it appropriately credentials = {'email/userid':'yourUserId', 'password':'yourPassword', '_hiddenfield1' :'hiddenValue1', '_hiddenField2': 'hiddenValue2'} # Let us post the urlencoded credentials to the credential check page (may or may not be same as login page) # Note we are using installed urlopener to access this. This will automatically manage cookies'',urllib.urlencode(credentials)) ###### Process 's' - http response body as you want. #### f.close() # Access protected page with same urlopener'') ##### Process 's' - http response body as you want. Check if you could really access protected page here ##### f.close()
I hope it helps and you enjoy accessing your favourite website through your script.
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